Buying Distressed Properties!
Mike Byers will provide a road map of the ins and outs of buying distressed properties.
- Mike has more than 40 years of real estate investing under his belt, and is inspired to share his experience!
Here are an example of what Mike says you need to look for:
- Storm drains to street?
Did the property get a permit on the last addition?
Has the mobile home been moved more than once?
Floors are uneven in the house?
Will the roof need replaced?
Getting a under the house inspection?
Gutters, shrubs to near the house, illegal deck railing, and etc.
Single pain windows and doors?
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Please plan on eating at the Holiday Inn. The dinner is $12 per person, and is a great value.
Plus, your buying dinner, pays for the room and service.
BTW, gratuity is included in the $12 price.